Total Miles: 91.0
Peak weekly mileage: 4/28-5/4 (30.9mi)
Longest Run: 10.5mi
Average Pace: 9:44min/mi
Races: 2
Mom’s on the Run 10k 5/11/2014 (53:48) PR!
Biggest Little 5k 5/17/2014 (25:48)
Lesson(s) learned:
Longest Run: 10.5mi
Average Pace: 9:44min/mi
Races: 2
Mom’s on the Run 10k 5/11/2014 (53:48) PR!
Biggest Little 5k 5/17/2014 (25:48)
Lesson(s) learned:
- I’m not the “speedster” (McMillian term) that I thought I was. As it turns out, its takes me a while to recover from a speed workout.
- I need to recover correctly after a hard workout to have a better quality workout the next day.
My main goal is just to stay healthy. I originally said in May that I wanted to increase my weekly mileage, but because I increased my intensity drastically, I don’t want to risk increasing mileage and getting hurt. I have to remember my run teams mantra “quality over quantity”.
Upcoming June Races: 2
Upcoming June Races: 2
Walk, Jog, Run for Prevention 10k - 6/14
Reno 5000 Series Race #2 5k – 6/29
How did your training go in May?
How did your training go in May?
What are your plans for June?