Monday, February 6, 2017

Pregnancy update: Week 27

Woo hoo, I have finally reached the 3rd trimester. It's crazy how fast it seemed to creep up, but it's also crazy to think I still have 3 months left! I'm not gonna lie, I am over being pregnant. I have been browsing a lot of pregnancy forums lately, and I must say, I think I should stop complaining so much, because there are a lot of women out there who are due around the same time as me, who are having it worse than me. Constant peeing, fatigue, hemorrhoids, loss of balance, hip, rib and back pain is just the start of some of these ladies complaints. I have been so far lucky to not really experience any of these ailments. I do have some back pain if I've been up and about for a long period of time (walking 4+ miles), but even then, it's not really that bad. I don't have the "urge" to pee really anymore than I did prior to pregnancy.

I really only have two complaints. The first, I am still experiencing morning sickness. Yep, I am one of the "lucky ones" (as my doctor says) who might experience the loveliness of nausea and vomiting throughout my entire pregnancy. The other complaint, the feeling of being incredibly full, all the freaking time. I have found that I often have to choose between eating and drinking. Not both, If I eat and drink, my stomach feels like it's bursting at the seam. It's uncomfortable to breathe, walk, sit, or lie down at that point. I still haven't mastered the art of small meals several times a day and am still eating like my old ways (3 big meals). I was proud of myself for the last two days in that I finally ate smaller meals and snacked in between.

As far as how my fitness plan has been's been going great so far. For the last 3 weeks, I have consistently done some sort of activity at least 5x per week. Here is a glimpse of what last week looked like:

  • - Sunday, 1/29 - 4.5 mile walk
  • - Monday, 1/30 - 2 mile walk
  • - Tuesday, 1/31 - 3 mile walk
  • - Wednesday, 2/1 - 30 min run/walk + leg circuit
  • - Thursday, 2/2 - 3 mile walk
  • - Friday, 2/3 - 35min on elliptical + leg circuit
  • - Saturday, 2/4 - 3 mile run/walk
  • - Sunday, 2/5 - 3 mile walk

Shameless bathroom selfie after Saturday's run/walk.

There is definitely room for improvement in last week. The 2 previous weeks, I was sticking pretty well to my no excuses preggo workout plan, but this week I didn't feel like hoping on the treadmill so much. I need to start doing my upper body circuits more, I have no upper body strength, and I'm going to need it for lugging a baby around.

I'm happy that I am running again and still. There was about a 10 week period where I wasn't running t all because I was so sick. While running is difficult (in fact I've dubbed my running "wogging") and slow now, it still feels great to get out there and put some miles in. I hope to keep it up as long as my body allows. Welp, that's all for now! 

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