Sunday, February 12, 2017

Pregnancy Update: Week 28

Whew, first week of the 3rd trimester down! Zoe (or Zobot as I like to call her) and I have been pretty active this week. She is kicking like...well, something that kicks a lot (donkey?) Sometimes I think she really wants out, like right now! I think it's starting to really become a reality to me that I have a living being in my belly right now. It's crazy that when she's wiggling around in there, I can press when I feel movement and she reacts by punching/kicking my hand away (feeling the love). I cannot wait to meet here, I think I'm already getting a sense of her personality. I think she is going to be a feisty little thing.

As far as the exercise realm goes, I am happy to report yet again, that I got in some sort of exercise 6 of the last 7 days. I even went to the gym this week and spent some time on the elliptical and lifting. I got a few encouraging looks, and a few discouraging looks. I even had one person comment that since I was still running/exercising while pregnant, I must not care about my baby, because it's the worst thing I can do. Not gonna lie that got me pretty upset (granted he was a man and an older one). Since becoming pregnant I've gotten a lot of advice I never asked for. I've heard more horror stories regarding pregnancy, labor, deliver, and postpartum life than I ever card to hear, but when people butt in with their unfounded opinions, it bothers be. Exercise is actually one of the best things I can do for me and my baby. In fact I wrote nearly and entire post about it. There are just too many benefits of staying active while pregnant to care about what others think. My OB is on board with my activity, so I'm not going to let him bring me down. Here is a quick look at what I did this past week:

  • -Sunday 2/5 - 3 Mile walk
  • -Monday 2/6 - 2 Mile walk and 30 min Run/Walk @ 5% incline
  • -Tuesday 2/7 - 40 min walk and 1/2 mile run arm circuit, 1/2 mile run arm circuit (repeated 2x)
  • -Wednesday 2/8 - 40 min walk, and 35 mins on elliptical followed by leg circuit
  • -Thursday 2/9 - 40 min run/walk
  • -Friday 2/10 - Rest
  • Saturday 2/11 - 1 hour run/walk
I am happy with how last week went. I didn't really feel any discomfort when exercising, so I am excited to keep going. I ran outside on Saturday and again (like last Saturday) it felt so good to feel the breeze and fresh air. There were also so many smiling faces along the way. Looking forward to more activity from both me and Zoe this week!

1 comment:

  1. When I was pregnant and asked if I could continue to exercise, my doctor said that it would be a good thing for both me and my baby if I safely exercised. By the way, I love your baby's name!


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